Super Hero Silent e
Welcome to the STEMHAX Book Spotlight. Today we are exploring Super Hero Silent e written by Regina Johnson and illustrated by Emily Wetterich and Nick Brummer. This book would be an excellent addition to any early childhood classroom or homeschool library.

Kids enjoy reading the same picturebook over and over again. The illustrations in a picturebook make a huge impact on their visual learning. Having a physical copy on hand is a great idea and encourages re-reading. This version can be purchased on Amazon.
Super Hero Silent e is a day in the life of a superhero. Super Hero Silent e has the power to add one little letter on the back of some words to change the meaning. “When words are short and in need of more, Silent e zooms in and makes them long!” Come along and meet some of her animal friends as she transforms words into new words.
“Silent e gives the vowel a deeper voice. It makes the vowel sound long. Can you imagine one little letter can be silent, and yet make such a huge difference.” – Super Hero Silent e excerpt
Super Hero Silent e – Read Aloud
The STEMHAX read aloud on YouTube is perfect for children who want to follow along with the book.
Exploring Super Hero Silent e with Young Learners
First, start with a book cover inspection. Show children the cover of the picturebook and ask, “what do you think this book is about?” Follow this with some open-ended questions to get their minds warmed up. Here are some suggestions:
- What is a superhero?
- Why are superheroes important?
- What makes a superhero a superhero?
- What does a superhero dress like?
After reading the book for the first time, ask more open-ended or fact checking questions. Remember there are no wrong answers. Some questions might include:
- What kind of superhero was the main character?
- Why does she carry a yellow e on her hip?
- Who are some of the friends in the story?
- What character was your favorite? Why?
- What parts of the story are make believe?
- What parts of the story could be real?
- Do you think Super Hero Silent e is a good superhero? Why?

Super Hero Silent e – Coloring Book
There is a digital downloadable PDF available for Super Hero Silent e on Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT), for classroom and homeschool use. You can also purchase a copy on Amazon. The coloring book is almost identical to the full color paperback. Perfect for early finishers, sub packets, and extra practice.
Extend the Lesson
The following resources are a fun way to extend the reading of Super Hero Silent e. Here are some free activity ideas to get you started.

5 Fun CVCe Activities That Only Take 5 Minute Prep – Teach the Teacher
Allison at the Learning at the Primary Pond has some quick ideas for teacher and parents when teaching about “Silent e”. She makes a valid point that children should have a good knowledge base of CVC words.
Super Hero Silent e Coloring Page – FREE Download
Free coloring page with the original art from Super Hero Silent e. Visit the STEMHAX TPT Store and download for free.

Silent E Word Craft – RLACeducators
This multisensory activity will help your students learn about silent e and CVCe words. You will need a few simple supplies; cardstock paper, wood craft sticks, scotch tape, glue, glitter, crayons or markers. The video gives good directions and your students will enjoy watching the wand transfer the vowel to say its own name.
How Do You Use the Silent E? – Storybots
The first video is from NetFlix Jr and the Storybots. As you can see, I like to add musical pieces to phonics learning lessons.
Magic-e Man – Phonics Garden
The following video is from Phonics Garden. It has a fun jingle and the focus is on the long vowel a sounds; a_e CVCe phonics. Music makes learning fun and easy, and he is cute with his magic wand, too.
The Magic E Song – KidsTV123
The next video has been a favorite of my students for many years and it is from KidsTV 123. It is simple and with repeated viewings they will learn and sing along. Adding variety to any lesson plan helps the different kinds of learners. Some children prefer the simplicity of the graphics in this video.
Grammer and Punctuation for Kids: The Mighty Silent E!– Vooks
Vooks is an animated read aloud app. Some of their books are on the Vooks YouTube Channel and here you can watch The Mighty Silent E!. Kids love read alouds and silent e can be a tricky concept for young learners. Reading as many books as possible will help them grasp this phonics concept.

Hands-On Exploration
Using this as a guide have students make a their own small wand. The star shape is cute with the e and decorated. Star patterned card stock, scotch tape, markers and a wooden craft sticks. Place some CVC words in a bowl and have students pick a word, read it, and then use the magic wand to make the vowel say its name. This is a fun center activity.
FREE Read Aloud Book Report
Need accountability in a listening or iPad center? Check out this FREE Book Report available in my TPT Store for download.

Thank You!
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