Weather Clouds
Book Spotlight: Weather Clouds
Welcome to the STEMHAX Book Spotlight. Today, we explore Weather Clouds written by Ann Herriges. This is a wonderful introductory book for children to explore science. The book introduces children to some of the different forms of clouds.

Kids enjoy reading the same book over and over again. A physical copy of the book is highly recommended for the first reading of Weather Clouds.
HINT: After you have introduced and explored this book, kids can utilize the YouTube read aloud in a listening center or quiet activity when they have finished their work.
Children are naturally curious about the weather. This book spotlight includes some fun activities you can do with your students, using this or and weather cloud books. This book is a great addition to any classroom library. Kids will want to read it over and over again. Especially after you introduce it and use the helpers included in this spotlight.
Weather Clouds – Read Aloud
Exploring Weather Clouds with Young Learners
First, start with a book cover inspection. Show children the cover of the book, and ask, “what do you think this book is about?” Follow this with some open ended questions to get their minds warmed up.
- What are some items in the sky?
- Where do clouds come from?
- How do they get up there in the sky?
- What color are clouds?
- What are some shapes of clouds?
After reading the book for the first time, ask more open-ended questions. Remember there are no wrong answers. Some questions might include:
- What are clouds?
- How do clouds form?
- What are some types of clouds?
- What falls from clouds?
- Describe some of the different shapes of clouds.
- What does a meteorologist study clouds?

- Cirrus – thin wispy clouds that for high in the sky.
- Cumulus – puffy clouds that are flat on the bottom, and form lower in the sky.
- Stratus – flat gray clouds that cover the sky.
- Drizzle – a light and misty rain.
- Fog – clouds close to the ground.

We offer a weather number bond math packet that works perfectly for any cloud theme unit. CLICK===>HERE to explore a preview in my TPT Store.

Extend the Lesson
Here are some videos to use in any cloud investigation. There are so many resources, and depending on your students interests and academic levels you might enjoy these picks.
What are Clouds Made of? – SciShow Kids
This is a great video to piggy back after reading any cloud book. Squeaks and Jess are some of our favorite teachers when it comes to science! This a simplified explanation of clouds. Entertaining and a perfect reinforcement!
Types of Clouds – The Dr. Binocs Show
This video by Peek a Boo YouTube Channel is a little more advanced. The content in this video expands on the three major types of clouds. Kids are amazing and can retain a lot of information.
Cloud Facts
Another advanced video for older children. I like this for teach the teacher, too! Mr. DeMaio and his puppet friends use humorous content to explore clouds. Talking clouds, corny jokes and fun songs (with The Beatles melodies) to help kids remember the different types of clouds. Kids will want to watch this one over and over again.
HINT: Watch all videos before sharing with children.
Hands-On Exploration
Here are some FREE downloads from some amazing Teachers Pay Teacher authors.
FREEBIE – Weather Number Bonds to 10
Check out this free digital download from STEMHAX. We have created an entire packet, including several worksheets and activity task cards. This is a free sample of the larger packet.

Happy, Fluffy, Stuffed Cloud FREEBIE Craftivity & Printables
“This is a great freebie to extend your cloud and weather study. Who doesn’t love a Fluffy, Happy, Stuffed Cloud Craft? Cloud printables are for observing and writing about clouds. Also a graphic organizer for Cumulus, Cirrus, Cumulonimbus, and Stratus Clouds.” – Excerpt First and Kinder Blue Skies.

FREE – Clouds Activity – The Amazing World of Clouds
“Use this cloud FREEBIE activity to make a flip book that explains and demonstrates various types of clouds. Grab some construction paper and cotton balls to make this adorable book with your students. It provides a fun and fantastic visual for a study on cloud types.” Excerpt – Traci Clausen

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FREE Read Aloud Book Report
Use this free book report to have consistency with your listening center. It is generic and can be utilized with any book.

Thank you!
We appreciate you taking the time to learn about this fabulous read aloud book Weather Clouds. Please consider following our YouTube Channel for more read aloud books relating to academic interest subjects.