Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain?
Book Spotlight: Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain?
Welcome to the STEMHAX Book Spotlight. Today, we explore Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain? written by Harriet Ziefert. This is a wonderful introductory book for children to explore science. The book introduces children to some of the ways animals handle weather, specifically rain.

Kids enjoy reading the same book over and over again. A physical copy of the book is highly recommended for the first reading of Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain?
HINT: After you have introduced and explored this book, kids can utilize the YouTube read aloud in a listening center or quiet activity when they have finished their work.
Children are naturally curious about the weather. This book spotlight includes some fun activities you can do with your students, when sharing Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain? This book is a nonfiction hybrid which contains true facts. The book starts with a quick explanation of the water cycle. Then a little girl and her mom explore what some animals do in the rain. This book is a great addition to any classroom library. Kids will want to read it over and over again.
Where Does Kitty GO in the Rain? – Read Aloud
Exploring Where Does Kitty GO in the Rain?
First, start with a book cover inspection. Show children the cover of the book, and ask, “What do you think this book is about?” Follow this with some open ended questions to get their minds warmed up.
- What are some kinds of house pets?
- Where do you go in the rain?
- Where do animals go in the rain?
- What do you like to do in the rain?
After reading the book for the first time, ask more open-ended questions. Remember there are no wrong answers. Some questions might include:
- Where did kitty go in the rain?
- What kind of feelings did the little girl have about her kitty?
- What are some of the animals in the book?
- How did squirrel handle the rain?
- Why do worms come out in the rain?
- What was your favorite part of the story?
- Which animal was most interesting in the story?
HINT: There are more in-depth questions and activities on Vooks.com
- water vapor – sun heats water and turns it to a mist which floats high in the sky.
- mushy – soft and squishy.
- muck – soft moist; slimy dirt.
- moisture – a small amount of liquid that makes something wet.
- squirm – to make a lot of twisting movements.
- roosts – to rest in a protected area.
Extend the Lesson
Here are some videos on YouTube to explore more that correlate with this beautiful read aloud. This book is a good introduction, as it uses animals to excite young learners through critical thinking, and how some animals adapt when it rains.
How Do Birds Stay Dry?
Short video, from the BioBush YouTube Channel, that goes more in-depth as to how different birds stay dry in the rain.
Why Do Worms Come Out When it Rains?
Another short video, this one is from the Animal Fact Channel on YouTube. Scientists do now know exactly why worms come to the surface when it rains. There are a few theories explained in this video. It is important for kids to understand that science is ongoing.
Squirrels In The Rain
This video was posted by The Cumming Nuthouse Wildlife Facility. The short video shows how the squirrels tail protects them, like an umbrella, in the rain.
What do Butterflies Do When It Rains?
An etymologist explains how butterflies have strong claws to hang under branches to protect themselves from rain.
Hands-On Exploration
What do people use to stay dry when walking in the rain? In the book Where Does Kitty Go in the Rain? The little girl carries an umbrella. Try creating an umbrella (STEM) into your lesson plans.
The Umbrella STEAM Challenge
Finally, here is a teach the teacher video. This video is for the instructor. After sharing the video on how an umbrella is made, allow young learners to create their own umbrella using the items mentioned in the video.
Here are the items Miss Laura used in the challenge:
- Pipe Cleaners
- Rubber Bands
- Paper/Pencil
- Tape
- Cotton Pads
- Small Plate
- Tub
- Water
- Toy
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FREE Read Aloud Book Report
Need accountability in a listening or iPad center? Check out this FREE Book Report available in my TPT Store CLICK===>HERE for Download.

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Disclaimer: I am not paid a fee by Vooks. I believe Vooks is an asset to any early childhood literacy program.