Eggs-cellent Maracas
DIY Maracas with Plastic Eggs

When I think of maracas, I always think of Mexico. Cinco de Mayo and El Dia de Los Muertes are the two celebrations that come to mind. Maracas are celebrated musically and are an important part of Mexican culture. However, according to they originated from Latin America; either Puerto Rico, Brazil or Venezuela. Where ever they are from, they are a pretty cool instrument.
The maracas are part of the percussion family of musical instruments. A percussion instrument is an instrument that makes sound by striking, shaking or scraping. Click on the image to watch a video perfect for sharing with your kids. I always preview videos before allowing children to watch. In this video there are some instruments I had never heard, learning is so fun!
Percussion Instruments
This video is a good example for kids about percussion instruments. Kidopedia has put this graciously on their YouTube Channel for global learning!
What’s Inside?
Kids are super curious, as I am sure you know and that’s why you are here. What is inside of a maraca anyway? I read that it is traditionally little pebbles or seeds. I found this video of a dad and son who bought a maraca, on a trip to Mexico, and when they arrived home they cut it open. What do you think is in the maraca? What makes the sound? Kids love to walk other kids, and asking simple questions while watching will engage them even more.
Let’s Make Maracas

- Scissors
- 19mm Washi Tape
- 6 Plastic Spoons
- 3 Plastic Eggs (blue, purple, green)
- Rice
- Pinto Beans
- Lentiles
We are making three different maracas, and using three different materials to get different tones. I color coordinated the eggs so kids could learn how to play “Hot Cross Buns” with their maracas. More after the directions.

- Fill half of the blue egg with dry rice.

2. Close the egg and use the Washi tape over the seam of the egg.

3. Tape two spoon handles together, facing each other (they should look egg shaped.

4. Place the filled egg between the spoon heads and tape around the spoons.

5. Repeat with purple egg and lentiles.
6. Repeat with green egg and pinto beans.

CLICK ===>HERE for a free download from my TpT Store!
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns has been sung for centuries. Legend says, street selling bakers sang Hot Cross Buns to interest patrons to buy their bread! The song has become a popular children’s nursery rhyme. There are some children who are unfamiliar with the tune. Here is a puppeteer video from Super Simple Songs (I love this YouTube Channel) singing Hot Cross Buns.
Introduction to the Maracas
Your kids might want to watch this a few times, it’s super cute and pretty accurate. The next video is only about a minute long, your kids will get a little introduction to how to use the maracas.
Percussion Playaong
Next, is another short percussion play along for young learners. It is about a minute and a half, but kids will probably watch over and over to practice. If you are a teacher and have a whiteboard you can have some fun with turn taking. The video is by Sylvia Pizzicato, and it’s simple yet creative. Kids watch the bee and when he lands on the flower, to the beat, they shake the maracas.
Hot Cross Buns – Practice with Maracas
Finally, Hot Cross Buns practice. I created this for different learning styles. Some children will follow number patterns, others letters and many by colors. There are three notes, and although we only have two hands, it is possible to learn. Teachers if you are in a class kids can practice in groups of two or three. Parents you might consider being your child’s partner if there are no siblings, as they learn.
Eventually however it is possible for the kids to play on their own, as seen in the video of the maracas in action. Corny I know, but this is about learning and anything is possible. Kids are amazing and are capable of learning so much!

This project is great as a pre or post Easter DIY Craft, too. It is part of our book companion for “Pete the Cat Big Easter Adventure” available in our TpT online store – CLICK HERE

Final Thoughts
Once you assess what kids already know and what they are interested in learning more about, you can alter any exploration project to meet their needs. This post is a starting point and guide to help share one version to make maracas with kids.
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