Counting by Fives
Resources Exploring “Counting by 5’s”

Skip Counting by Five’s
Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty…skip counting makes math much simpler when counting things. Over the years I have discovered this is a task that children can feel a sense of success. There are many hands on opportunities to teach children data gathering, grouping or time awareness within math. Skip counting is the foundation for other more advanced mathematical applications.
Children can use and learn skip counting with tally marks, number lines, grouping and even telling time, just to name a few. It so rewarding when kids get it there is an ah-ha moment, or hearing a student start singing a tune while counting by fives. The following resources can help educators and parents as they lesson plan for skip counting by fives. Provided are some online books, videos and free printables. Enjoy!
Online Books
There are so many neat books that can reinforce skip counting here are three neat books for online viewing.
Tally O’Malley
“The O’Malleys are off to the beach! But it’s a long, hot, boring drive. What can Eric, Bridget, and Nell do to keep busy? Play tally games, of course — counting up all the gray cars or green T-shirts they see. Whoever has the most marks at the end wins the game. Eric wins the first game. Bridget wins the second. It seems like poor Nell will never win a game! But Nell has the luck of the Irish on her side, and a surprise in store for her big brother and sister.” – Excerpt Amazon
Lots of Ladybugs!
“Find the hidden numbers in this exciting counting book! This nonfiction picture book introduces children to counting by fives through a fun-filled seek-and-find with ladybug shells. Kids will love the cute, colorful illustrations and challenging hidden pictures, while parents will enjoy this simple read-aloud introduction to mathematics, written by bestselling author Michael Dahl.” – Excerpt Amazon
Starry Arms
As the starfish swim through the sea, count the practice skip counting by fives. This is a beautifully illustrated book. Check out the online reading and pause the video on the second reading to practice skip counting.
Hands Down Counting by Fives
What can you make with some paint and hands? Follow this art class as they skip count in a creative art class. Check out this online reading on the STEMHAX YouTube Channel.
Sheep Won’t Sleep
“A glass of warm milk, reading, working on her knitting—nothing can help Clarissa get to sleep. When even counting sheep doesn’t help her doze off, she tried pairs of alpacas instead. Two, four, six . . . then llamas by fives . . . then yaks by tens! But no one could sleep with a room full of bouncing, bleating, shedding animals. Determined to unravel her problem so she can get some sleep, Clarissa counts back down until she’s all alone, and she can finally get some rest.” – Excerpt Amazon
Leaping Lizards
Leaping Lizards is a cute book that shows kids there is more than one way to count large numbers. If kids are a little familiar with skip counting they will enjoy this counting book about lizard entertainers. “Leaping Lizards” was written by Stuart J. Murphy and is part of the MathStart series from Harper Collins Publishers.

Online Videos
Variety is the spice of life. That is also true for counting by fives learning videos. Here are some of my tried and true picks, along with a classic. There is something cool about the classics, they helped back in the day and the kids still love them today! The first video is a teach the teacher.
How to Teach Kids to Skip Count – eHowEducation
“Teaching kids to skip count by twos, fives and tens is something that you should do by first introducing the tens and working your way backwards. Teach kids how to skip count by twos, fives and tens with help from an experienced educator in this free video clip.” – Excerpt eHowEducation
The Counting by Fives Song – Scratch Garden
“Count by fives from zero to one hundred! Skip Counting with an original animation and song… don’t skip it! The Counting by Fives song teaches skip counting by 5. If you are learning to count or teaching math and early years numeracy, the Counting by 5’s song by Scratch Garden is the best way to get there!” – Excerpt Scratch Garden
“Nickelish” – Songeez
This quick little song will help kids associate counting by fives with nickels. It rhymes and kids will enjoy it for sure. Songeez has moved from YouTube to KindieTV.

Count by 5’s – Pinkfong!
“Count by fives, count by fives, count by fives! Won’t you sing along? Count by fives, count by fives, count by fives! Won’t you sing along? Five…” – Excerpt Pinkfong!
Skip Counting by 5’s – Periwinkle
This is a good video with simple demonstrations of how kids can group to count by fives. It also introduces skip counting on a number line, too.
Count by Fives Song – Hopscotch
This video is super cute, a talking nickel is leading the tune. The song is catchy. It will also allow students who want a little more with the introduction of multiplication by 5’s.
Multiplying by Fives School House Rock
Here is the classic! School House Rock bring such a feeling of nostalgia for many, I think your students will enjoy this video.
Printable Resources
The last few resources are from some of my peers at Teacher Pay Teacher. Even if you are not a traditional classroom teacher, any caregiver can download free and/or purchase these teachers created resources from the TpT website.

Spooky Tally Marks – Mrs. Leeby
This perfect little freebie would be something you could use after reading Tally O’Malley with students. It is perfect for the month of October. Thanks, Mrs. Leeby!

Counting Money: Nickels – Miss Lease
“This is a basic picture worksheet for counting nickels. It is recommended for beginner learners/special education students who need help. Some of the numbers are filled in to help students who need it. I found this helpful for students to check themselves along the way. If needed, put up a counting by 5’s chart to help.” – Excerpt Miss Lease

Lots of Ladybugs – First Grade Garden
“This centre can be used on it’s own or after reading the book “Lots of Ladybugs” by Michael Dahl. Counting by 5s activity. Students put ladybug cards in order. Cards go up to 200, but you can print out just up to 100 or 120 if you wish. There are two recording sheet options (and each one can go up to 100, 120, or 200). ” – Excerpt First Grade Garden

Halloween Counting by 5’s and 10’s – CSL
Perfect for the month of October! Print, cut and laminate for an easy and useful center. Thanks CSL for the cute freebie!

Skip Counting To 120 – Believe to Achieve by Anne Rozell
“I hope your students have fun with this FREE set while learning! I have included a purple set for skip counting by 2s, an orange set for skip counting by 5’s and a yellow set for skip counting by 10’s.— Each set skip counts to 120. These sets would be great to use in centers, small group or early finishers! Just copy, laminate and shuffle each set then let students put them in order by skip counting!” – Excerpt Anne Rozell

If you like these free resources please consider following these teacher creators. They are always developing new and cool things, for you and I, to share with young learners.

If you enjoyed these resources please consider following us on social media. We are @STEMHAX and on Teacher Pay Teacher, too. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. All that means is if you decide to make a purchase, I might earn a small commission at ZERO cost to you. Thank you, see you soon!!